Understanding 3 UCS Server Geo-Red Control Plane Deployment

4 minutes read


cnBNG Control Plane cluster deployment can be categorised as a single node cluster deployment, or as a multi node cluster deployment. The node here can refer to as:

  • VM, or
  • A Baremetal Server (often UCS)

Deploying Control Plane in Baremetal form is beneficial and can save upto 30% of CPU, because resources are not required to be reserved for Hypervisor. Another advantage of running Control Plane on baremetal server(s) is that SMI (Cisco Ultra Cloud Core) can monitor server performance along with Control Plane performance.

In this tutorial we will learn concepts about Geo Redundant Control Plane multi-node cluster deployment. Multi-node cluster has unique requirements from networking perspective, and Geo redundancy adds additional networking overhead which could be complex to understand at first. We will try to demystify this.

With the help of Subscriber Edge deployment tool (https://github.com/xrdocs/subscriber-edge) it is easy to generate configuration for SMI Cluster Deployer and deploy the Multi Node cluster easily.

Layered Control Plane Architecture

We all know that Cisco Cloud Native BNG Control Plane is designed as a layered architecture for better resiliency and scalability. Fig.1. below shows the layered control plane architecture. The layered architecture works on Kuberenetes node labelling mechanism. Which allows to spawn containers/ PODs to respective servers/nodes based on the labels. Efficient and careful labelling can provide protection against POD, server and link failure.

cp_architecture.png Fig.1. Layered Control Plane Architecture

We use following K8s labels in a typical multi-node cluster deployment of control plane. These can be categorised into four layers: OAM, Protocol, Service and Session.

k8s node-labels smi.cisco.com/node-type oam
k8s node-labels smi.cisco.com/proto-type protocol
k8s node-labels smi.cisco.com/protocol protocol
k8s node-labels smi.cisco.com/svc-type service
k8s node-labels smi.cisco.com/sess-type cdl-node

Three Server Geo Redundant Control Plane Cluster Logical Topology

In Fig.2. below, you can see different networks and logical connectivity between servers. Also notice that how servers are categorized into four layers of Control Plane architecture.

3svr_logical_topo.png Fig.2. Geo Redundant Control Plane Cluster Logical Topology

In Fig.2., service network svc-net1 (or n4) is created for communication with User Planes and AAA. cnBNG Control Plane can have a separate service network to communicate with AAA.

Three networks inttcp, intudp and cdl are created for Geo Redundancy. In stand-alone cluster deployment, these networks are not required.

Fig.3. below shows interfaces (cdl and inttcp) used for synchronization between two clusters. As many nodes are involved in the cluster and different IPs are assigned including Virtual IPs, entire subnet (/28) needs to be accessible from remote end for these two interfaces.

geored_connections.png Fig.3. Interfaces for inter cluster synchronization

Three Server Geo Redundant Control Plane Cluster Phyical Topology

Physical topology of three server baremetal cluster is shown in Fig.4. below. Every cluster can have different physical mapping based on datacenter design restrictions. Below are Cisco recommended cluster topology connections for greater resiliency.

3svr_physical_topo.png Fig.4. Geo Redundant Control Plane Cluster Phyical Topology

Cisco recommends creating bond interfaces to provide redundancy for link failures, especially for k8s and management networks. Here are the bond interfaces which are created in a typical three server deployment model:

Bond InterfaceLinks
bd0eno5 and eno6 (MLOM Ports)
bd1enp94s0f1 (PCIE1 port)
bd2enp94s0f0 (PCIE2 port

Apart from these two interfaces are used to form eBGP sessions. These are PCIE1 and PCIE2 interfaces from UCS01 and UCS02 protocol nodes. In a typical cluster deployment, it is recommended to form two EBGP sessions for redundancy.

EBGP SessionLink

Here is the logical interface to physical port mapping and an example VLAN map:

        id: 125  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd2
        id: 325  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd0
        id: 164  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd1
        id: 163  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd2
        id: 161  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd2
        id: 165  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd1

Virtual IP Addresses

In a three server cluster deployment, virtual IP addresses (created for VRRP between nodes) helps POD/containers reach respective services. Here is the list of virtual IPs which are created for cluster operations under respective network interfaces.

        id: 164  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd1
        id: 163  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd2
        id: 161  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd2
        vip1:  # this IP (advertised by BGP) is used to connect UPs with Instance-1 of this cluster
        vip2:  # this IP (advertised by BGP) is used to connect UPs with Instance-2 of this cluster
        id: 165  # VLAN ID
        intf: bd1

Cluster IP Addressing Map/ Table

Below is an IP addressing Map or Table to help decide on IP addresses within the cluster.

3svr_gr_cluster_ip_address_map.png Table.1. Geo Redundant Control Plane Cluster IP Addressing

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