ACL’s on NCS5500 BVI Interfaces

14 minutes read


In the previous article, we introduced the ACL enhancements on NCS5500 based on J2 chipsets. Now we will understand the ACL implementation on NCS5500 w.r.t to BVI interfaces. We will cover all the systems based on J/J+ and J2.

Quick Recap: Bridged Virtual Interface - BVI

Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12.27.28 PM.png

Before we move to the ACL features, let us do a quick recap of the BVI interface and understand its use cases. The BVI is a virtual interface within the router that acts like a normal routed interface. BVI provides link between the bridging and the routing domains on the router. The BVI does not support bridging itself, but acts as a gateway for the corresponding bridge-domain to a routed interface within the router. Bridge-Domain is a layer 2 broadcast domain. It is associated to a bridge group using the routed interface bvi command. Reference

BVI use cases

  • Interconnect bridged and routed networks
  • Preserve network addresses
  • Bridge local traffic for efficient network performance

BVI provides a much more flexible solution for bridging and routing

ScenariosSupported by BVI
Communication of multiple interfaces in same BDYes
Communication of multiple interfaces in different BDYes
Communication between Bridged interface and Routed interfaceYes

ACLs with BVI interface

Configuration and attachment of an ACL over BVI interface is similar to regular ACLs attachment to a physical interface. Let us check out the same.

Ingress V4 ACL

  • First we will start with Ingress IPv4 ACL.
  • IPv4 ACL is supported in ingress direction for J/J+ and J2 (Native and Compatible mode).

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show platform
Node              Type                       State             Config state
0/3/CPU0          NC57-18DD-SE               IOS XR RUN        NSHUT
0/3/NPU0          Slice                      UP                
0/3/NPU1          Slice                      UP                
0/4/CPU0          NC55-36X100G-A-SE          IOS XR RUN        NSHUT
0/4/NPU0          Slice                      UP                
0/4/NPU1          Slice                      UP                
0/4/NPU2          Slice                      UP                
0/4/NPU3          Slice                      UP                                               
0/7/CPU0          NC55-24X100G-SE            IOS XR RUN        NSHUT
0/7/NPU0          Slice                      UP                
0/7/NPU1          Slice                      UP                
0/7/NPU2          Slice                      UP                
0/7/NPU3          Slice                      UP                

Note: Output is truncated

We will consider 3 Line cards.

Line CardNo of NPU’s

We have ingress IPv4 ACL configured as below and applied to BVI interface

ipv4 access-list permit-stats
 10 permit ipv4 any
 20 deny ipv4 any
 30 permit ipv4 host any
 35 deny ipv4 any
 40 deny ipv4 any
 45 deny ipv4 any
 50 deny ipv4 any
 60 permit tcp any eq bgp host
 70 permit tcp any host eq bgp
 80 deny ipv4 any host
 90 deny ipv4 any
 100 permit ipv4 any any
 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show running-config interface bvI 21
 interface BVI21
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats ingress

BVI configurations

interface FourHundredGigE0/3/0/21

 bridge group BVI
  bridge-domain 21
  interface FourHundredGigE0/3/0/21
   routed interface BVI21


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show access-lists ipv4 usage pfilter location all
Interface : BVI21
Input ACL : Common-ACL : N/A ACL : permit-stats
Output ACL : N/A

TCAM Programming for ingress ACLs on BVI interfaces

BVI interfaces are designed in such a way that every feature attachment affects all NPUs on the Line Card. TCAM entries are always programmed across all LCs, regardless of interface membership. This is platform independent and should behave the same across all XR platforms. When it comes to the individual line card level, TCAM entries are programmed across all NPUs on the particular line card, regardless of interface membership.

To understand this behaviour, we need to recap what we discussed in the earlier section w.r.t BVI. BVI has no mapping to a particular Physical port / LC. BVI is rather an entity of Bridge Domain. In XR, BVI has been defined globally just as a Bridge Domain. Hence it is present on all LCs. Another important consideration for this implementation is modification of the configurations. If we want to add or remove BVI entries in each LC dynamically - based on the presence of a local AC (from that LC) in the given BD it has a lot of overhead. Hence we allocate resources on all the NPU’s of the LCs and also from PI perspective we replicate that on all LCs.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu externaltcam location 0/3/CPU0 
External TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    15     320b               4081     15      2725  ext_FG_INGR_V4_ACL
1    15     320b               4081     15      2725  ext_FG_INGR_V4_ACL


Note: Output is truncated

TCAM entries on other LCs

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/4/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

1    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

2    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

3    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4


Note: Output is truncated

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/7/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

1    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

2    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

3    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4


Note: Output is truncated

From the above outputs, we could see the replication is happening on all the LCs in the system and all the NPUs on each LC. Note that the programming of the ingress traditional ACLs is happening on the external TCAM for a LC based on J2 (same as normal L3 interface) and on the internal TCAM for LCs based on J/J+. TCAM resources are used even if the LCs are not part of that particular BVI or BD.

Ingress V6 ACL

Let us verify the behaviour with the IPv6 Ingress ACLs.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show access-lists ipv6 ipv6_1 
ipv6 access-list ipv6_1
 10 permit tcp 2001:1:2::/64 any eq 1024
 20 permit tcp 2002:1:2::/64 any eq 1024
 30 permit tcp 2003:1:2::/64 any eq 1024
 40 permit tcp 2004:1:2::/64 any eq 1024
 50 deny udp 2001:4:5::/64 any lt 1000
 60 permit ipv6 any any


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show running-config interface bvI 21
interface BVI21
 ipv6 access-group ipv6_1 ingress

TCAM entries on all the LCs

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu externaltcam location 0/3/CPU0 
External TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name

0    12     480b               1998     50      2722  ext_FG_INGR_V6_ACL

1    12     480b               1998     50      2722  ext_FG_INGR_V6_ACL


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/4/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

1    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

2    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

3    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-74142I-C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/7/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

1    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

2    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

3    6\7    320b   pmf-0       2025     23      48   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV6

Note: Output is truncated

We see the same behaviour in terms of programming and TCAM resource utilization when it comes to IPv6 ingress ACLs as well. IPv6 ACL is supported in ingress direction for J/J+ and J2 (Native and Compatible mode)

Egress V4 ACL

By default, Egress ACLs over BVI interface is disabled. ACL filtering will not take effect even after it is attached to BVI interfaces. To enable ACL over BVI in the egress direction, hw-module profile acl egress layer3 interface-based should be configured. When we enable the above profile, egress ACLs on any non BVI interface will not work. This limitation is because, we have different qualifiers for physical interfaces and BVI interfaces. To accomodate both qualifiers, we need to increase the key size and we need more memory banks. IPv4 ACL is supported in Egress direction for J/J+ and J2 (Native and Compatible mode).

Similar to the ingress ACLs, TCAM entries are always programmed across all LCs, regardless of interface membership. When it comes to the individual line card level, TCAM entries are programmed across all NPUs on the particular line card, regardless of interface membership. In order to activate/deactivate Egress ACL support over BVI interfaces, you must manually reload the chassis/all line cards.


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show running-config | in hw-module 
hw-module profile acl egress layer3 interface-based

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show running-config interface bvI 21
interface BVI21
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats egress

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show access-lists ipv4 usage pfilter location all      
Interface : BVI21 
    Input ACL : N/A
    Output ACL : permit-stats

TCAM Programming for egress ACLs on BVI interfaces

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/3/CPU0                     
Mon Sep 13 05:13:38.674 PDT
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    5      160b   EPMF        2031     15      42   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    5      160b   EPMF        2031     15      42   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4


Note: Output is truncated

TCAM entries on other LCs

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/7/CPU0                     
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

2    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4
3    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

Note: Output is truncated

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/4/CPU0                     
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

2    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4
3    0      160b   egress_acl  2016     15      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

Note: Output is truncated

Failure of egress ACLs on non BVI interfaces

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config)#interface bundle-ether 30
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config-if)#ipv4 access-group permit-stats egress 

% Failed to commit one or more configuration items during a pseudo-atomic operation. All changes made have been reverted. Please issue 'show configuration failed [inheritance]' from this session to view the errors
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config-if)#show configuration failed 
Mon Sep 13 04:50:14.667 PDT
!! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by 
!! the system due to semantic errors. The individual 
!! errors with each failed configuration command can be 
!! found below.

interface Bundle-Ether30
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats egress
!!% 'DPA' detected the 'warning' condition 'SDK - Invalid configuration'

From the above, we can see that non BVI interface will not allow the egress IPv4 ACL when hw-module profile acl egress layer3 interface-based is configured.

Egress V6 ACL

Till now we could see, the TCAM utilizations of the v4 ACLs in ingress and egress is same for platforms based on J/J+ and J2. It was same for the ingress v6 ACLs as well. The main difference is in the implementation of the Egress V6 ACL. Egress IPv6 ACLs on BVI interfaces is not supported on platforms based on J/J+. This is due to the absence of the qualifiers needed for the egress support. It is supported on the J2 based platforms only in the Native mode. When IPv6 Egress ACL is configured, all non-J2 cards reject it. Therefore when implementing the egress IPv6 ACLs on BVI interfaces, the chassis should not be operating in compatible mode.


Let us see what happens when we apply the IPv6 Egress ACL on BVI interface for a J2 based Line card in a chassis operating in compatible mode.

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config)#interface bvI 21
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config-if)#ipv6 access-group ipv6_1 egress 

% Failed to commit one or more configuration items during a pseudo-atomic operation. All changes made have been reverted. Please issue 'show configuration failed [inheritance]' from this session to view the errors
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C(config-if)#show configuration failed 
!! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by 
!! the system due to semantic errors. The individual 
!! errors with each failed configuration command can be 
!! found below.

interface BVI21
 ipv6 access-group ipv6_1 egress
!!% 'pfilter-ea' detected the 'warning' condition 'Egress ACL not supported on this interface type.'


We can see the configuration is rejected. We have system based on J2 Native Mode. Let us try configuring it the IPv6 ACL in the egress direction on the BVI interface

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:NC57B1-5DSE-1-Vega-II5-5#show platform 
Node              Type                     State                    Config state
0/RP0/CPU0        NCS-57B1-5DSE-SYS(Active) IOS XR RUN               NSHUT
0/PM0             PSU2KW-ACPI              OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/PM1             PSU2KW-ACPI              OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT0             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT1             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT2             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT3             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT4             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT
0/FT5             N5700-FAN                OPERATIONAL              NSHUT

interface BVI1
 ipv6 access-group ipv6_1 egress

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:NC57B1-5DSE-1-Vega-II5-5#show access-lists ipv6 usage pfilter lo$
Interface : BVI1 
    Input ACL : N/A
    Output ACL : ipv6_1

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:NC57B1-5DSE-1-Vega-II5-5#show controllers npu internaltcam locat$
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name

0    4\5    320b   EPMF        2030     18      35   EGRESS_ACL_IPV6


From the above output, we can see that Egress IPv6 ACL on BVI interface got accepted on the system with J2 Native Mode.

TCAM entries with multiple interfaces having ACLs

  • For ingress ACLs, TCAM entries can be shared between different interfaces in case of same ACL.
  • For egress ACLs, TCAM entries are unique per interface, even for the same ACL.
  • Let us verify the same.


interface BVI21
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats ingress

interface BVI36
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats ingress


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show access-lists ipv4 usage pfilter location all 
Interface : BVI21 
    Input  ACL : Common-ACL : N/A  ACL : permit-stats  
    Output ACL : N/A
Interface : BVI36
    Input  ACL : Common-ACL : N/A  ACL : permit-stats  
    Output ACL : N/A

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu externaltcam location 0/3/CPU0 
External TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    15     320b               4081     15      2725  ext_FG_INGR_V4_ACL

1    15     320b               4081     15      2725  ext_FG_INGR_V4_ACL


Note: Output is truncated

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/4/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name

0    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

1    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

2    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

3    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

Note: Output is truncated

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/7/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name

0    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

1    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

2    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

3    2      160b   pmf-0       2023     16      47   INGRESS_ACL_L3_IPV4

Note: Output is truncated


interface BVI21
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats egress

interface BVI36
 ipv4 access-group permit-stats egress

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show access-lists ipv4 usage pfilter location all 

Interface : BVI21
    Input ACL : N/A
    Output ACL : permit-stats 
Interface : BVI36
    Input ACL : N/A
    Output ACL : permit-stats 


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/3/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    5      160b   EPMF        2016     30      42   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    5      160b   EPMF        2016     30      42   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/4/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

2    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

3    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:5508-2-741C#show controllers npu internaltcam location 0/7/CPU0 
Internal TCAM Resource Information
NPU  Bank   Entry  Owner       Free     Per-DB  DB   DB
     Id     Size               Entries  Entry   ID   Name
0    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

1    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

2    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4

3    0      160b   egress_acl  2001     30      30   EGRESS_ACL_IPV4


From the above outputs we can see that for egress ACLs on the BVI interface we do not share the TCAM entries. They are unique per interface. Whereas in the ingress direction, we share the TCAM entries if we apply the same ACL.


Summarizing the ACL support on BVI interfaces.

ACL DirectionJJ+J2 CompatibleJ2 Native
Ingress v4 ACLYesYesYesYes
Ingress v6 ACLYesYesYesYes
Egress v4 ACLYesYesYesYes
Egress v6 ACLNoNoNoYes

We saw the support and programming of the ingress and egress ACLs on the BVI interfaces along with the TCAM resource utilization. In the next article we will explore the v6 ACLs in more details and its implementation across the chipsets. So stay tuned !!!


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