Cisco Service Layer API Documentation


Service Description

Defines RPC calls for BGP-LS Topology updates.

RPC Calls

rpc SLBgplsTopo::SLBgplsTopoNotifStream (SLBgplsTopoNotifReqMsg) returns(stream SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg)
 BGP-LS Topology Subscription. More...


message  SLBgplsTopoNotifReqMsg
 BGP-LS Topology Notification Request message. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch
message  SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg
 BGP-LS Topology Notification message. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoStartMarker
 Start marker - sent before any DATA is sent. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoEndMarker
 End marker - sent after all DATA are sent. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNotif
 BGP-LS Topology Updates. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoEntry
 BGP-LS Topology Entry. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoData
 Messages for BGP-LS Data. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoInstanceId
message  SLBgplsTopoNodeData
 Node Data. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkData
 Link Data. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixData
 Prefix Data. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNode
 Messages for NLRI Objects. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefix
 Prefix. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr
 Messages for NLRI Descriptors. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr
 Prefix descriptor. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId
 Messages of Node Identifiers. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId
 OSPFv3 Node ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoIsisNodeId
 ISIS Node ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoBgpNodeId
 BGP Node ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr
 Messages of Attributes. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr
 Link Attributes. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr
 Prefix Attributes. More...
message  SLBplsTopoLinkLocRemId
 Messages for Attribute definitions sorted by TLV code point. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoMtId
 Multi-Topology Identifier. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNodeMsd
 Node MSD. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkMsd
 Link MSD. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNodeFlagBits
 Node Flag Bits. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoNodeOpaqueAttr
 Opaque Node Attribute. More...
message  SLBgplsNodeName
 Node Name. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoIsisAreaId
 IS-IS Area Identifier. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId
 Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId
 Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv4RouterId
 Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv6RouterId
 Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoSrgb
 SR Capabilities. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoSrgbIsisFlags
 Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB) ISIS flags. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoSrAlgorithm
 SR-Algorithm. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoSrlb
 SR Local Block. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoFad
 Flexible Algorithm Definition. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixFAPM
 Flexible Algorithm Prefix metric. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoFadUnsuppTlv
 Unsupported Flexible Algorithm Definition (FAD) TLVs. TLV 1046. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoFadExcMaxDelay
 Flexible Algorithm Exclude Maximum Delay. TLV 1050. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth
 Maximum Link Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth
 Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth
 Unreserved Link Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric
 TE Default Metric. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType
 Link Protection Type. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkMplsProtoMask
 MPLS Proto Mask. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkIgpMetric
 IGP Metric. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg
 Shared Risk Link Group. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkOpaqueAttr
 Opaque Link Attribute. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLinkName
 Link Name. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoAdjSid
 Adjacency SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid
 LAN Adjacency SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerNodeSid
 BGP Peer Node SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerAdjSid
 BGP Peer Adjacency SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerSetSid
 BGP Peer Set SID. More...
message  SLBgpLsTopoNeighborId
 Neighbor ID used in Adjacency SID and SRv6 EndX SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay
 Unidirectional Link Delay. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay
 Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar
 Unidirectional Delay Variation. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss
 Unidirectional Link Loss. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth
 Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth
 Unidirectional Available Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth
 Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr
 ASLA Attributes. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpFlags
 IGP Flags. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpRouteTag
 IGP Route Tag. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpExtRouteTag
 IGP Extended Route Tag. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixMetric
 Prefix Metric. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixOspfFwdAddr
 OSPF Forwarding Address. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixOpaqueAttr
 Opaque Prefix Attribute. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixSid
 Prefix SID. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange
 Prefix Range. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttrFlags
 Prefix Attribute Flags. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoPrefixSrcRouterId
 Source Route Identifier. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr
 L2 Bundle Member Attribute. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup
 Extended Administrative Group. More...
message  SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr
 Unknown Attribute. More...


 BGP-LS Topology Operation.
enum  SLBgplsTopoNlriType {
 NLRI type.
enum  SLBgplsTopoProtocol {
enum  SLBgplsTopoOspfRouteType {
 OSPF Route types.
 BGP-LS Topology SID Formats. More...
 BGP-LS Topology Prefix SID Formats. More...

RPC Documentation

rpc SLBgplsTopo::SLBgplsTopoNotifStream ( SLBgplsTopoNotifReqMsg  )

BGP-LS Topology Subscription.

This call is used to get a stream of BGP-LS Topology updates. It can be used to get "push" information for BGP-LS adds/updates/deletes.

The caller must close the response stream when it is no longer interested in BGP-LS Topology information.

The call takes a request message with the information on Match filters to be applied while sending BGP-LS Topology updates in the response stream.

The success/failure of the request is relayed in the response as error status. If the request was successful, then the initial set of BGP-LS Topology information is sent as a stream containing a Start marker, any BGP-LS Topology if present, and an End Marker. The response stream will then be maintained to send subsequent updates and terminated only when the response stream is terminated by the caller.

When the backend process handling the BGP-LS Topology subscription goes for a restart and when it comes up and ready again, the caller would get a Start marker, any BGP-LS Topology if present, and an End Marker. Upon receiving the Start marker, the caller must perform a mark and sweep operation on the data it received from this subscription.

Message Documentation

message SLBgplsTopoNotifReqMsg

BGP-LS Topology Notification Request message.


repeated SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch Match = 1
 Match filters for BGP-LS Topology Entries. More...

Member Data Documentation

repeated SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch SLBgplsTopoNotifReqMsg::Match = 1

Match filters for BGP-LS Topology Entries.

This can be an empty message if the caller wants to subscribe to all the BGP-LS Topology Entries. BGP-LS Topology Notification request message takes zero or many BGP-LS Topology Match filters. Each of the Match filter will have a set of Match conditions. A matching BGP-LS Topology entry must match all the Match conditions in one or more Match filters. OR operation is applied on each of the Match filters. Maximum number of Match filters is restricted using MaxMatchFilterInBgplsTopoNotif in SLGlobalsGet.

message SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch


SLBgplsTopoInstanceId InstanceId = 1
 Each of the Match conditions below are optional. More...
SLBgplsTopoProtocol Protocol = 2
 Protocol originating the Link-State NLRI Protocol-ID. More...
SLBgplsTopoNlriType NlriType = 3
 Type of Link-State NLRI NLRI Type. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoInstanceId SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch::InstanceId = 1

Each of the Match conditions below are optional.

SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch is equivalent to AND operation of all the Match conditions. IGP routing domain to which the Link-State NLRI belongs. Identifier. Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoNlriType SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch::NlriType = 3

Type of Link-State NLRI NLRI Type.

Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoProtocol SLBgplsTopoNlriMatch::Protocol = 2

Protocol originating the Link-State NLRI Protocol-ID.

Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg

BGP-LS Topology Notification message.


oneof {
   SLErrorStatus   ErrStatus = 1
 This field carries error info, if any error occurs during stream setup. More...
   SLBgplsTopoNotif   Data = 2
 This field carries the BGP-LS Topology data.
   SLBgplsTopoStartMarker   Start = 3
 This field carries the Start Marker.
   SLBgplsTopoEndMarker   End = 4
 This filed carries the end marker.

Member Data Documentation

SLErrorStatus SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg::ErrStatus = 1

This field carries error info, if any error occurs during stream setup.

SL_SUCCESS: signifies that the notification request was successful SL_XXX: signifies an error in setting up a notification request.

message SLBgplsTopoStartMarker

Start marker - sent before any DATA is sent.

This is an indication to stale any objects received until now. Intentionally added as empty message

message SLBgplsTopoEndMarker

End marker - sent after all DATA are sent.

This is an indication to sweep any stale objects, if present. Intentionally added as empty message

message SLBgplsTopoNotif

BGP-LS Topology Updates.


repeated SLBgplsTopoEntry Entries = 1
 BGP-LS Topology Entries.
message SLBgplsTopoEntry

BGP-LS Topology Entry.


SLBgplsTopoOperation Operation = 1
SLBgplsTopoData Data = 2
message SLBgplsTopoData

Messages for BGP-LS Data.

BGP-LS Topology Data


SLBgplsTopoInstanceId InstanceId = 1
 IGP routing domain to which the Link-State data belongs. More...
SLBgplsTopoProtocol Protocol = 2
 Protocol originating the Link-State data Protocol-ID. More...
oneof {
   SLBgplsTopoNodeData   Node = 3
 This field carries info about a node data.
   SLBgplsTopoLinkData   Link = 4
 This field carries info about a link data.
   SLBgplsTopoPrefixData   Prefix = 5
 This field carries info about a prefix data.

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoInstanceId SLBgplsTopoData::InstanceId = 1

IGP routing domain to which the Link-State data belongs.

Identifier. Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoProtocol SLBgplsTopoData::Protocol = 2

Protocol originating the Link-State data Protocol-ID.

Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoInstanceId


uint64 Identifier = 1
 IGP routing domain to which the Link-State data belongs. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint64 SLBgplsTopoInstanceId::Identifier = 1

IGP routing domain to which the Link-State data belongs.

Identifier. Section 5.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoNodeData

Node Data.


SLBgplsTopoNode Node = 1
 This field carries info about a node NLRI.
SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr NodeAttr = 2
 This field carries info about node attributes.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkData

Link Data.


SLBgplsTopoLink Link = 1
 This field carries info about a link NLRI.
SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr LinkAttr = 2
 This field carries info about link attributes.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixData

Prefix Data.


SLBgplsTopoPrefix Prefix = 1
 This field carries info about a prefix NLRI.
SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr PrefixAttr = 2
 This field carries info about prefix attributes.
message SLBgplsTopoNode

Messages for NLRI Objects.



uint32 Asn = 1
 AS Number associated with the BGP process originating the link-state information. More...
oneof {
   SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId   OspfNodeId = 2
 This field carries info about an OSPFv2 node ID.
   SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId   Ospfv3NodeId = 3
 This field carries info about an OSPFv3 node ID.
   SLBgplsTopoIsisNodeId   IsisNodeId = 4
 This field carries info about an ISIS node ID.
   SLBgplsTopoBgpNodeId   BgpNodeId = 5
 This field carries info about a BGP node ID.
 Node Identifier Actual type can be determined based on Protocol in SLBgplsTopoNlri. More...

Member Data Documentation

oneof { ... }

Node Identifier Actual type can be determined based on Protocol in SLBgplsTopoNlri.

uint32 SLBgplsTopoNode::Asn = 1

AS Number associated with the BGP process originating the link-state information.

Autonomous System Number. TLV 512. Section of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoLink



SLBgplsTopoNode LocalNodeDescr = 1
 Node Descriptors for the node anchoring the local end of the link. More...
SLBgplsTopoNode RemoteNodeDescr = 2
 Node Descriptors for the node anchoring the remote end of the link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr LinkDescr = 3
 The Link Descriptor TLVs uniquely identify a link among multiple parallel links between a pair of anchor routers. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr SLBgplsTopoLink::LinkDescr = 3

The Link Descriptor TLVs uniquely identify a link among multiple parallel links between a pair of anchor routers.

Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoNode SLBgplsTopoLink::LocalNodeDescr = 1

Node Descriptors for the node anchoring the local end of the link.

Local Node Descriptors. TLV 256. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoNode SLBgplsTopoLink::RemoteNodeDescr = 2

Node Descriptors for the node anchoring the remote end of the link.

Remote Node Descriptors. TLV 257. Section of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoPrefix



SLBgplsTopoNode NodeDescr = 1
 Node Descriptors for the node originating the prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr PrefixDescr = 2
 Prefix Descriptor TLVs uniquely identify an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix originated by a node. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoNode SLBgplsTopoPrefix::NodeDescr = 1

Node Descriptors for the node originating the prefix.

Local Node Descriptors. TLV 256. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr SLBgplsTopoPrefix::PrefixDescr = 2

Prefix Descriptor TLVs uniquely identify an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix originated by a node.

Section 5.2.3 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr

Messages for NLRI Descriptors.

Link descriptor


uint32 LocalId = 1
 Local Identifier of a link. More...
uint32 RemoteId = 2
 Remote Identifier of a link. More...
bytes LocalIpv4 = 3
 Local IPv4 address of a link. More...
bytes RemoteIpv4 = 4
 Remote IPv4 address of a link. More...
bytes LocalIpv6 = 5
 Local IPv6 address of a link. More...
bytes RemoteIpv6 = 6
 Remote IPv6 address of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoMtId MtId = 7
 Multi Topology Identifier (MTID) of a link. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::LocalId = 1

Local Identifier of a link.

Link Local/Remote Identifier. TLV 258. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::LocalIpv4 = 3

Local IPv4 address of a link.

IPv4 interface address. TLV 259. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::LocalIpv6 = 5

Local IPv6 address of a link.

IPv6 interface address. TLV 261. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoMtId SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::MtId = 7

Multi Topology Identifier (MTID) of a link.

Multi-Topology Identifier. TLV 263. Section of [RFC9552]

uint32 SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::RemoteId = 2

Remote Identifier of a link.

Link Local/Remote Identifier. TLV 258. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::RemoteIpv4 = 4

Remote IPv4 address of a link.

IPv4 neighbor address. TLV 260. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoLinkDescr::RemoteIpv6 = 6

Remote IPv6 address of a link.

IPv6 neighbor address. TLV 262. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr

Prefix descriptor.


SLBgplsTopoMtId MtId = 1
 Multi Topology Identifier (MTID) of a prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoOspfRouteType OspfRouteType = 2
 OSPF Route type of a prefix. More...
uint32 PrefixLength = 3
 IP address prefix (IPv4 or IPv6) advertised in the IGP topology. More...
bytes Prefix = 4
 IP address prefix (IPv4 or IPv6) advertised in the IGP topology. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoMtId SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr::MtId = 1

Multi Topology Identifier (MTID) of a prefix.

Multi-Topology Identifier. TLV 263. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoOspfRouteType SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr::OspfRouteType = 2

OSPF Route type of a prefix.

OSPF Route Type. TLV 264. Section of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr::Prefix = 4

IP address prefix (IPv4 or IPv6) advertised in the IGP topology.

IP Reachability Information. TLV 265. Section of [RFC9552]

uint32 SLBgplsTopoPrefixDescr::PrefixLength = 3

IP address prefix (IPv4 or IPv6) advertised in the IGP topology.

IP Reachability Information. TLV 265. Section of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId

Messages of Node Identifiers.



uint32 AreaId = 1
 Area identifier identifying the area to which the NLRI belongs. More...
uint32 IsAsScoped = 2
 Specifies whether the area identifier is set or not. More...
bytes RouterId = 3
 Router ID. More...
bytes DrIdentifier = 4
 IPv4 address of the DR's interface to the LAN. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId::AreaId = 1

Area identifier identifying the area to which the NLRI belongs.

OSPF Area-ID. TLV 514. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId::DrIdentifier = 4

IPv4 address of the DR's interface to the LAN.

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

uint32 SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId::IsAsScoped = 2

Specifies whether the area identifier is set or not.

Area identifier will not be set for AS scoped prefixes.

bytes SLBgplsTopoOspfNodeId::RouterId = 3

Router ID.

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId

OSPFv3 Node ID.


uint32 AreaId = 1
 Area identifier identifying the area to which the NLRI belongs. More...
uint32 AsScoped = 2
 Specifies whether the area identifier is set or not. More...
bytes RouterId = 3
 Router ID. More...
uint32 DrIdentifier = 4
 Interface identifier of the DR's interface to the LAN. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId::AreaId = 1

Area identifier identifying the area to which the NLRI belongs.

OSPF Area-ID. TLV 514. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

uint32 SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId::AsScoped = 2

Specifies whether the area identifier is set or not.

Area identifier will not be set for AS scoped prefixes.

uint32 SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId::DrIdentifier = 4

Interface identifier of the DR's interface to the LAN.

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoOspfv3NodeId::RouterId = 3

Router ID.

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoIsisNodeId



bytes SystemId = 1
 System ID. More...
bytes PsnId = 2
 Pseudo Node Identifier (PSN ID). More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoIsisNodeId::PsnId = 2

Pseudo Node Identifier (PSN ID).

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoIsisNodeId::SystemId = 1

System ID.

IGP Router-ID. TLV 515. Section 5.2.1 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoBgpNodeId

BGP Node ID.


bytes RouterId = 1
 Router ID. More...
uint32 MemberAsn = 2
 ASN of the confederation member Member-ASN. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoBgpNodeId::MemberAsn = 2

ASN of the confederation member Member-ASN.

TLV 517. Section 4.2 of [RFC9086]

bytes SLBgplsTopoBgpNodeId::RouterId = 1

Router ID.

BGP Router-ID. TLV 516. Section 4.2 of [RFC9086]

message SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr

Messages of Attributes.

Node Attributes


repeated SLBgplsTopoMtId MtId = 1
 Multi Topology Identifiers (MTIDs) of a node. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoNodeMsd NodeMsd = 2
 Node Maximum SID Depth (MSD). More...
SLBgplsTopoNodeFlagBits NodeFlagBits = 3
 Bitmask describing node attributes. More...
SLBgplsTopoNodeOpaqueAttr OpaqueNodeAttr = 4
 Optional Node Attribute TLVs advertised by a router. More...
SLBgplsNodeName NodeName = 5
 Symbolic name of the router node. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoIsisAreaId IsisAreaId = 6
 ISIS area addresses. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId LocalIpv4 = 7
 Auxiliary TE Router-IDs. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId LocalIpv6 = 8
 Auxiliary TE Router-IDs. More...
SLBgplsTopoSrgbIsisFlags SrgbIsisFlags = 9
 Flags. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoSrgb Srgb = 10
 Segment Routing Global Blocks (SRGBs) of a node. More...
SLBgplsTopoSrAlgorithm SrAlgorithm = 11
 Segment Routing (SR) algorithms supported by the node. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoSrlb Srlb = 12
 Segment Routing Local Blocks (SRLBs) of a node. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoFad Fad = 13
 Definitions of Flexible Algorithms supported by the node Flexible Algorithm Definition. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr UnknownAttr = 14
 Unknown Node Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS. More...

Member Data Documentation

repeated SLBgplsTopoFad SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::Fad = 13

Definitions of Flexible Algorithms supported by the node Flexible Algorithm Definition.

TLV 1039. Section 3 of [RFC9351]

repeated SLBgplsTopoIsisAreaId SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::IsisAreaId = 6

ISIS area addresses.

IS-IS Area Identifier. TLV 1027. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::LocalIpv4 = 7

Auxiliary TE Router-IDs.

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1028. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::LocalIpv6 = 8

Auxiliary TE Router-IDs.

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1029. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoMtId SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::MtId = 1

Multi Topology Identifiers (MTIDs) of a node.

Multi-Topology Identifier. TLV 263. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoNodeFlagBits SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::NodeFlagBits = 3

Bitmask describing node attributes.

Node Flag Bits. TLV 1024. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoNodeMsd SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::NodeMsd = 2

Node Maximum SID Depth (MSD).

Node MSD. TLV 266. Section 3 of [RFC8814]

SLBgplsNodeName SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::NodeName = 5

Symbolic name of the router node.

Node Name. TLV 1026. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoNodeOpaqueAttr SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::OpaqueNodeAttr = 4

Optional Node Attribute TLVs advertised by a router.

Opaque Node Attribute. TLV 1025. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoSrAlgorithm SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::SrAlgorithm = 11

Segment Routing (SR) algorithms supported by the node.

SR-Algorithm. TLV 1035. Section 2.1.3 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoSrgb SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::Srgb = 10

Segment Routing Global Blocks (SRGBs) of a node.

SR Capabilities. TLV 1034. Section 2.1.2 of [RFC9085]

SLBgplsTopoSrgbIsisFlags SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::SrgbIsisFlags = 9


SR Capabilities. TLV 1034. Section 2.1.2 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoSrlb SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::Srlb = 12

Segment Routing Local Blocks (SRLBs) of a node.

SR Local Block. TLV 1036. Section 2.1.4 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr SLBgplsTopoNodeAttr::UnknownAttr = 14

Unknown Node Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS.

message SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr

Link Attributes.


SLBplsTopoLinkLocRemId LinkLocRemId = 1
 Link Local/Remote idetifiers. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkMsd LinkMsd = 2
 Link Maximum SID Depth (MSD). More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId LocalIpv4RouterId = 3
 Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId LocalIpv6RouterId = 4
 Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv4RouterId RemoteIpv4RouterId = 5
 Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv6RouterId RemoteIpv6RouterId = 6
 Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth MaxBandwidth = 8
 The maximum bandwidth that can be used on a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth MaxResvBandwidth = 9
 The maximum bandwidth that can be reserved on a link. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth UnresvBandwidth = 10
 The bandwidth reservable on a link on a per priority basis. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric TeDefMetric = 11
 The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType ProtectionType = 12
 The protection capabilities of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkMplsProtoMask MplsProtoMask = 13
 The bit mask describing MPLS signaling protocols enabled. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkIgpMetric IgpMetric = 14
 The IGP metric of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg Srlg = 15
 The Shared Link Risk Groups (SRLGs) of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkOpaqueAttr OpaqueAttr = 16
 An envelope that transparently carries optional Link Attribute TLVs advertised by a router Opaque Link Attribute. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkName LinkName = 17
 The symbolic name of a link. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoAdjSid AdjSid = 18
 The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid LanAdjSid = 19
 The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency to any node in a LAN other than the pseudonode LAN Adjacency SID. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerNodeSid BgpPeerNodeSid = 20
 Peer Node Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Node SID. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerAdjSid BgpPeerAdjSid = 21
 Peer Adjacency Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Adjacency SID. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerSetSid BgpPeerSetSid = 22
 Peer Set Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Set SID. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay UniLinkDelay = 23
 The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay MinMaxUniLinkDelay = 24
 The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar UniDelayVar = 25
 The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss UniLinkLoss = 26
 The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth UniResBandwidth = 27
 The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth UniAvailBandwidth = 28
 The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth UniUtilBandwidth = 29
 The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr Asla = 30
 The container for certain existing and future link attributes that require application-specific definition. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr L2BundleMemberAttr = 31
 A L2 Bundle Member link which in turn is associated with a parent L3 link. More...
SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup ExtAdminGroup = 32
 The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr UnknownAttr = 33
 Unknown Link Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS. More...

Member Data Documentation

repeated SLBgplsTopoAdjSid SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::AdjSid = 18

The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency.

Adjacency SID. TLV 1099 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::Asla = 30

The container for certain existing and future link attributes that require application-specific definition.

ASLA Attributes. TLV 1122 Section 2 of [RFC9294]

repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerAdjSid SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::BgpPeerAdjSid = 21

Peer Adjacency Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Adjacency SID.

TLV 1102 Section 5 of [RFC9086]

repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerNodeSid SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::BgpPeerNodeSid = 20

Peer Node Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Node SID.

TLV 1101 Section 5 of [RFC9086]

repeated SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerSetSid SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::BgpPeerSetSid = 22

Peer Set Segment Identifier for BGP Peering Segments BGP Peer Set SID.

TLV 1103 Section 5 of [RFC9086]

SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::ExtAdminGroup = 32

The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator.

Extended Administrative Group. TLV 1173 Section 2 of [RFC9104]

SLBgplsTopoLinkIgpMetric SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::IgpMetric = 14

The IGP metric of a link.

IGP Metric. TLV 1095 Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::L2BundleMemberAttr = 31

A L2 Bundle Member link which in turn is associated with a parent L3 link.

L2 Bundle Member Attribute. TLV 1172 Section 2.2.3 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LanAdjSid = 19

The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency to any node in a LAN other than the pseudonode LAN Adjacency SID.

TLV 1100 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]

SLBplsTopoLinkLocRemId SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LinkLocRemId = 1

Link Local/Remote idetifiers.

Link Local Remote Identifiers. TLV 258. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkMsd SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LinkMsd = 2

Link Maximum SID Depth (MSD).

Link MSD. TLV 267. Section 4 of [RFC8814]

SLBgplsTopoLinkName SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LinkName = 17

The symbolic name of a link.

Link Name. TLV 1098. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LocalIpv4RouterId = 3

Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP.

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1028. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::LocalIpv6RouterId = 4

Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP.

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1029. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::MaxBandwidth = 8

The maximum bandwidth that can be used on a link.

Maximum Link Bandwidth. TLV 1089 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::MaxResvBandwidth = 9

The maximum bandwidth that can be reserved on a link.

Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth. TLV 1090 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::MinMaxUniLinkDelay = 24

The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1115 Section 2.2 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoLinkMplsProtoMask SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::MplsProtoMask = 13

The bit mask describing MPLS signaling protocols enabled.

MPLS Proto Mask. TLV 1094 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkOpaqueAttr SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::OpaqueAttr = 16

An envelope that transparently carries optional Link Attribute TLVs advertised by a router Opaque Link Attribute.

TLV 1097 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::ProtectionType = 12

The protection capabilities of a link.

Link Protection Type. TLV 1093 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv4RouterId SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::RemoteIpv4RouterId = 5

Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP.

Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1030. Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv6RouterId SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::RemoteIpv6RouterId = 6

Auxiliary Router-IDs used by the IGP.

Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID. TLV 1031. Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::Srlg = 15

The Shared Link Risk Groups (SRLGs) of a link.

Shared Risk Link Group. TLV 1096 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::TeDefMetric = 11

The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link.

TE Default Metric. TLV 1092 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniAvailBandwidth = 28

The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Available Bandwidth. TLV 1119 Section 2.6 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniDelayVar = 25

The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Delay Variation. TLV 1116 Section 2.3 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniLinkDelay = 23

The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1114 Section 2.1 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniLinkLoss = 26

The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Loss. TLV 1117 Section 2.4 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniResBandwidth = 27

The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth. TLV 1118 Section 2.5 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UniUtilBandwidth = 29

The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth. TLV 1120 Section 2.7 of [RFC8571]

repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UnknownAttr = 33

Unknown Link Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS.

repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr::UnresvBandwidth = 10

The bandwidth reservable on a link on a per priority basis.

Unreserved Link Bandwidth. TLV 1091 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr

Prefix Attributes.


repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixFAPM Fapm = 1
 Metric associated with the prefix for a particular Flexible Algorithm (FA). More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpFlags IgpFlags = 2
 IGP Flags and bits assigned to a prefix. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpRouteTag IgpRouteTag = 3
 IGP Route Tags of a prefix. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpExtRouteTag IgpExtRouteTag = 4
 IGP Extended Route Tags of a prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixMetric Metric = 5
 The Metric of a prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixOspfFwdAddr OspfFwdAddr = 6
 The forwarding address of the prefix as known in original OSPF advertisement. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixOpaqueAttr OpaqueAttr = 7
 An envelope that transparently carries optional Prefix Attribute TLVs advertised by a router. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixSid Sid = 8
 Prefix Segment Identifiers (SID) of a prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange Range = 9
 Range of prefix-to-SID mappings. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttrFlags AttrFlags = 10
 Prefix Attribute flags of a prefix. More...
SLBgplsTopoPrefixSrcRouterId SrcRouterId = 11
 Source Route Identifier of a prefix. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr UnknownAttr = 12
 Unknown Prefix Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttrFlags SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::AttrFlags = 10

Prefix Attribute flags of a prefix.

Prefix Attribute Flags. TLV 1170 Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixFAPM SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::Fapm = 1

Metric associated with the prefix for a particular Flexible Algorithm (FA).

Flexible Algorithm Prefix metric. TLV 1044 Section 4 of [RFC9351]

repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpExtRouteTag SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::IgpExtRouteTag = 4

IGP Extended Route Tags of a prefix.

IGP Extended Route Tag. TLV 1154 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpFlags SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::IgpFlags = 2

IGP Flags and bits assigned to a prefix.

IGP Flags. TLV 1152 Section of [RFC9552]

repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpRouteTag SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::IgpRouteTag = 3

IGP Route Tags of a prefix.

IGP Route Tag. TLV 1153 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixMetric SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::Metric = 5

The Metric of a prefix.

Prefix Metric. TLV 1155 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixOpaqueAttr SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::OpaqueAttr = 7

An envelope that transparently carries optional Prefix Attribute TLVs advertised by a router.

Opaque Prefix Attribute. TLV 1157 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixOspfFwdAddr SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::OspfFwdAddr = 6

The forwarding address of the prefix as known in original OSPF advertisement.

OSPF Forwarding Address. TLV 1156 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::Range = 9

Range of prefix-to-SID mappings.

Prefix Range. TLV 1159 Section 2.3.5 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoPrefixSid SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::Sid = 8

Prefix Segment Identifiers (SID) of a prefix.

Prefix SID. TLV 1158 Section 2.3.1 of [RFC9085]

SLBgplsTopoPrefixSrcRouterId SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::SrcRouterId = 11

Source Route Identifier of a prefix.

Source Route Identifier. TLV 1171 Section 2.3.3 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttr::UnknownAttr = 12

Unknown Prefix Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS.

message SLBplsTopoLinkLocRemId

Messages for Attribute definitions sorted by TLV code point.

Link Local Remote Identifiers. TLV 258. Section 5.2.2 of [RFC9552]


uint32 LocalId = 1
 TODO: Add description for each field in attributes Link Local Identifier.
uint32 RemoteId = 2
 Link Remote Identifier.
message SLBgplsTopoMtId

Multi-Topology Identifier.

TLV 263. Section of [RFC9552]


uint32 MtId = 1
 Multi-Topology ID. A number in the range of 0-255.
message SLBgplsTopoNodeMsd

Node MSD.

TLV 266. Section 3 of [RFC8814]


uint32 Type = 1
 MSD type. More...
uint32 Value = 2
 MSD value. A number in the range of 0-255.

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoNodeMsd::Type = 1

MSD type.

One of the values defined in the 'IGP MSD-Types' registry defined in [RFC8491]

message SLBgplsTopoLinkMsd

Link MSD.

TLV 267. Section 4 of [RFC8814]


uint32 Type = 1
 MSD type. More...
uint32 Value = 2
 MSD value. A number in the range of 0-255.

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoLinkMsd::Type = 1

MSD type.

One of the values defined in the 'IGP MSD-Types' registry defined in [RFC8491]

message SLBgplsTopoNodeFlagBits

Node Flag Bits.

TLV 1024. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes Flags = 1
 Bit-0: O-Flag: Overload Bit. More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoNodeFlagBits::Flags = 1

Bit-0: O-Flag: Overload Bit.

Bit-1: A-Flag: Attached Bit

Bit-2: E-Flag: External Bit

Bit-3: B-Flag: ABR Bit

Bit-4: R-Flag: Router Bit

Bit-5: V-Flag: v6 Bit

message SLBgplsTopoNodeOpaqueAttr

Opaque Node Attribute.

TLV 1025. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes OpaqueAttr = 1
 Opaque attribute.
message SLBgplsNodeName

Node Name.

TLV 1026. Section of [RFC9552]


string Name = 1
 Symbolic name of the node without a NULL terminator. More...

Member Data Documentation

string SLBgplsNodeName::Name = 1

Symbolic name of the node without a NULL terminator.

It is RECOMMENDED that the size of the symbolic name be limited to 255 characters.

message SLBgplsTopoIsisAreaId

IS-IS Area Identifier.

TLV 1027. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes AreaId = 1
 ISIS area address.
message SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv4RouterId

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID.

TLV 1028. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes RouterId = 1
 IPv4 Router ID.
message SLBgplsTopoLocalIpv6RouterId

Local IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID.

TLV 1029. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes RouterId = 1
 IPv6 Router ID.
message SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv4RouterId

Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID.

TLV 1030. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes RouterId = 1
 IPv4 Router ID.
message SLBgplsTopoRemoteIpv6RouterId

Remote IPv4/IPv6 Router-ID.

TLV 1031. Section of [RFC9552]


bytes RouterId = 1
 IPv6 Router ID.
message SLBgplsTopoSrgb

SR Capabilities.

TLV 1034. Section 2.1.2 of [RFC9085] Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB)


uint32 StartLabel = 1
 First label in the range.
uint32 RangeSize = 2
 Number of labels in the range.
message SLBgplsTopoSrgbIsisFlags

Segment Routing Global Block (SRGB) ISIS flags.


bytes Flags = 1
 ISIS flags as defined in Section 3.1 of [RFC8667] for IS-IS.
message SLBgplsTopoSrAlgorithm


TLV 1035. Section 2.1.3 of [RFC9085]


bytes Algorithms = 1
 SR algorithms.
message SLBgplsTopoSrlb

SR Local Block.

TLV 1036. Section 2.1.4 of [RFC9085]


uint32 StartLabel = 1
 First label in the range.
uint32 RangeSize = 2
 Number of labels in the range.
message SLBgplsTopoFad

Flexible Algorithm Definition.

TLV 1039. Section 3 of [RFC9351]


bytes Algorithm = 1
 Flexible Algorithm number between 128 and 255 inclusive. More...
bytes MetricType = 2
 Metric type. More...
bytes CalcType = 3
 Calculation type. More...
bytes Priority = 4
 Priority of the FAD advertisement. More...
repeated uint32 ExcAnyAff = 5
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities from the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
repeated uint32 IncAnyAff = 6
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
repeated uint32 IncAllAff = 7
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying all of the specified affinities in the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
bytes Flags = 8
 Flags associated with the FAD that are used in the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
repeated uint32 ExcSrlg = 9
 Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) information associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links that are associated with any of the specified SRLG in the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
SLBgplsTopoFadUnsuppTlv UnsuppTlv = 15
 Indicate the presence of unsupported FAD sub-TLVs. More...
bytes ExcMinBw = 14
 Enables the exclusion of links having bandwidth below a minimum specified bandwidth from the computation of the specific algorithm Flexible Algorithm Exclude Minimum Bandwidth. More...
SLBgplsTopoFadExcMaxDelay ExcMaxDelay = 13
 Enables the exclusion of links having delay above a maximum specified delay from the computation of the specific algorithm Flexible Algorithm Exclude Maximum Delay. More...
repeated uint32 ExcAnyRevAff = 10
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
repeated uint32 IncAnyRevAff = 11
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm. More...
repeated uint32 IncAllRevAff = 12
 Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying all of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm. More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::Algorithm = 1

Flexible Algorithm number between 128 and 255 inclusive.

Flexible Algorithm. Section 3 of [RFC9351]

bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::CalcType = 3

Calculation type.

Calc-Type. Section 3 of [RFC9351]

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::ExcAnyAff = 5

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities from the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Exclude-Any Affinity. TLV 1040. Section 3.1 of [RFC9351]

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::ExcAnyRevAff = 10

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Exclude-Any Reverse Affinity. TLV 1053. RFC TBD

SLBgplsTopoFadExcMaxDelay SLBgplsTopoFad::ExcMaxDelay = 13

Enables the exclusion of links having delay above a maximum specified delay from the computation of the specific algorithm Flexible Algorithm Exclude Maximum Delay.


bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::ExcMinBw = 14

Enables the exclusion of links having bandwidth below a minimum specified bandwidth from the computation of the specific algorithm Flexible Algorithm Exclude Minimum Bandwidth.


repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::ExcSrlg = 9

Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) information associated with the FAD that enables the exclusion of links that are associated with any of the specified SRLG in the computation of the specific algorithm.

Flexible Algorithm Exclude SRLG. TLV 1045. Section 3.5 of [RFC9351]

bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::Flags = 8

Flags associated with the FAD that are used in the computation of the specific algorithm.

The value in the Flags must be a multiple of 4. Flexible Algorithm Definition Flags. TLV 1043. Section 3.4 of [RFC9351]

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::IncAllAff = 7

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying all of the specified affinities in the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Include-All Affinity. TLV 1042. Section 3.3 of [RFC9351]

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::IncAllRevAff = 12

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying all of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Include-All Reverse Affinity. TLV 1055. RFC TBD

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::IncAnyAff = 6

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Include-Any Affinity. TLV 1041. Section 3.2 of [RFC9351]

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoFad::IncAnyRevAff = 11

Affinity constraints associated with the FAD that enables the inclusion of links carrying any of the specified affinities in the reverse direction from the computation of the specific algorithm.

Each affinity bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes. Flexible Algorithm Include-Any Reverse Affinity. TLV 1054. RFC TBD

bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::MetricType = 2

Metric type.

Metric-Type. Section 3 of [RFC9351]

bytes SLBgplsTopoFad::Priority = 4

Priority of the FAD advertisement.

Priority. Section 3 of [RFC9351]

SLBgplsTopoFadUnsuppTlv SLBgplsTopoFad::UnsuppTlv = 15

Indicate the presence of unsupported FAD sub-TLVs.

Flexible Algorithm Unsupported. TLV 1046. Section 3.6 of [RFC9351]

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixFAPM

Flexible Algorithm Prefix metric.

TLV 1044 Section 4 of [RFC9351]


uint32 FlexAlgo = 1
 Flexible Algorithm (128 to 255).
bytes Flags = 2
 Flags associated with the Flexible Algorithm prefix metric as defined in [RFC9350] for OSPFv2.
uint32 Metric = 3
 Flexible Algorithm prefix metric.
message SLBgplsTopoFadUnsuppTlv

Unsupported Flexible Algorithm Definition (FAD) TLVs. TLV 1046.


SLBgplsTopoProtocol Protocol = 1
 BGPLS protocol advertising the FAD.
bytes Types = 2
 Unsupported TLV types.
message SLBgplsTopoFadExcMaxDelay

Flexible Algorithm Exclude Maximum Delay. TLV 1050.


uint32 Delay = 1
 Maximum link delay information associated with the FAD. More...

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoFadExcMaxDelay::Delay = 1

Maximum link delay information associated with the FAD.

Encoded in microseconds.

message SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth

Maximum Link Bandwidth.

TLV 1089 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]


bytes Bandwidth = 1
 Bandwidth in bytes per second.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth

Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth.

TLV 1090 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]


bytes Bandwidth = 1
 Bandwidth in bytes per second.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth

Unreserved Link Bandwidth.

TLV 1091 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]


uint32 Priority = 1
 Priority level.
bytes Bandwidth = 2
 Bandwidth in bytes per second reservable on the link for a particular priority.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric

TE Default Metric.

TLV 1092 Section of [RFC9552]


uint32 Metric = 1
message SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType

Link Protection Type.

TLV 1093 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]


uint32 Mask = 1
 Bit mask of protection capabilities.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkMplsProtoMask

MPLS Proto Mask.

TLV 1094 Section of [RFC9552]


bytes Mask = 1
 Bit-0: Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoLinkMplsProtoMask::Mask = 1

Bit-0: Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)

Bit-1: Extension to RSVP for LSP Tunnels (RSVP-TE)

message SLBgplsTopoLinkIgpMetric

IGP Metric.

TLV 1095 Section of [RFC9552]


bytes Metric = 1
 1 octet for ISIS small metrics 2 octets for OSPF metrics 3 octets for ISIS wide metrics
message SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg

Shared Risk Link Group.

TLV 1096 Section of [RFC9552]


repeated uint32 SrlgVal = 1
message SLBgplsTopoLinkOpaqueAttr

Opaque Link Attribute.

TLV 1097 Section of [RFC9552]


bytes OpaqueAttr = 1
 Opaque attribute.
message SLBgplsTopoLinkName

Link Name.

TLV 1098. Section of [RFC9552]


string Name = 1
 Symbolic name of the link without a NULL terminator. More...

Member Data Documentation

string SLBgplsTopoLinkName::Name = 1

Symbolic name of the link without a NULL terminator.

It is RECOMMENDED that the size of the symbolic name be limited to 255 characters.

message SLBgplsTopoAdjSid

Adjacency SID.

TLV 1099 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]


uint32 LabelIndex = 1
 Label or index.
SLBgplsTopoSidFormat AdjSidFormat = 2
 Specifies whether the adjacency SID is a label or index.
bytes Flags = 3
 Flags associated with the SID. More...
uint32 Weight = 4
 Weight used for load balancing purposes.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoAdjSid::Flags = 3

Flags associated with the SID.

IS-IS flags as defined in Section 2.2.1 of [RFC8667]. OSPFv2 flags as defined in Section 6.1 of [RFC8665]. OSPFv3 flags as defined in Section 7.1 of [RFC8666].

message SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid

LAN Adjacency SID.

TLV 1100 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]


SLBgpLsTopoNeighborId Neighbor = 1
 Neighbor ID.
uint32 LabelIndex = 2
 Label or index.
SLBgplsTopoSidFormat AdjSidFormat = 3
 Specifies whether the adjacency SID is a label or index.
bytes Flags = 4
 Flags associated with the SID. More...
uint32 Weight = 5
 Weight used for load balancing purposes.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid::Flags = 4

Flags associated with the SID.

IS-IS flags as defined in Section 2.2.1 of [RFC8667]. OSPFv2 flags as defined in Section 6.1 of [RFC8665]. OSPFv3 flags as defined in Section 7.1 of [RFC8666].

message SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerNodeSid

BGP Peer Node SID.

TLV 1101 Section 5 of [RFC9086]


bytes Sid = 1
 Label or index or V6 Addr.
SLBgplsTopoSidFormat BgpSidFormat = 2
 Specifies whether the BGP SID is a label or index.
bytes Flags = 3
 Flags associated with the SID. More...
uint32 Weight = 4
 Weight used for load balancing purposes.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerNodeSid::Flags = 3

Flags associated with the SID.

Defined in Section 5 of [RFC9086]

message SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerAdjSid

BGP Peer Adjacency SID.

TLV 1102 Section 5 of [RFC9086]


bytes Sid = 1
 Label or index or V6 Addr.
SLBgplsTopoSidFormat BgpSidFormat = 2
 Specifies whether the BGP SID is a label or index.
bytes Flags = 3
 Flags associated with the SID. More...
uint32 Weight = 4
 Weight used for load balancing purposes.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerAdjSid::Flags = 3

Flags associated with the SID.

Defined in Section 5 of [RFC9086]

message SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerSetSid

BGP Peer Set SID.

TLV 1103 Section 5 of [RFC9086]


bytes Sid = 1
 Label or index or V6 Addr.
SLBgplsTopoSidFormat BgpSidFormat = 2
 Specifies whether the BGP SID is a label or index.
bytes Flags = 3
 Flags associated with the SID. More...
uint32 Weight = 4
 Weight used for load balancing purposes.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoBgpPeerSetSid::Flags = 3

Flags associated with the SID.

Defined in Section 5 of [RFC9086]

message SLBgpLsTopoNeighborId

Neighbor ID used in Adjacency SID and SRv6 EndX SID.


oneof {
   bytes   Ipv4Addr = 1
 This field carries info about an IPv4 neighbor ID.
   bytes   SystemId = 2
 This field carries info about an system ID neighbor ID.
message SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay

Unidirectional Link Delay.

TLV 1114 Section 2.1 of [RFC8571]


uint32 Delay = 1
 Delay in microseconds.
bytes Flags = 2
 Bit-0: A-Flag: Set if anamolous.
message SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay

Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay.

TLV 1115 Section 2.2 of [RFC8571]


uint32 Min = 1
 Minimum delay in microseconds.
uint32 Max = 2
 Maximum delay in microseconds.
bytes Flags = 3
 Bit-0: A-Flag: Set if anamolous.
message SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar

Unidirectional Delay Variation.

TLV 1116 Section 2.3 of [RFC8571]


uint32 Variation = 1
 Delay variation in microseconds.
bytes Flags = 2
 Bit-0: A-Flag: Set if anamolous.
message SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss

Unidirectional Link Loss.

TLV 1117 Section 2.4 of [RFC8571]


uint32 Loss = 1
 Link packet loss as a percentage of the total traffic sent over a configurable interval. More...
bytes Flags = 2
 Bit-0: A-Flag: Set if anamolous.

Member Data Documentation

uint32 SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss::Loss = 1

Link packet loss as a percentage of the total traffic sent over a configurable interval.

The basic unit is 0.000003%, where (2^24 - 2) is 50.331642%.

message SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth

Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth.

TLV 1118 Section 2.5 of [RFC8571]


bytes Bandwidth = 1
 Bandwidth in bytes per second.
message SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth

Unidirectional Available Bandwidth.

TLV 1119 Section 2.6 of [RFC8571]


bytes Bandwidth = 1
 Bandwidth in bytes per second.
message SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth

Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth.

TLV 1120 Section 2.7 of [RFC8571]


bytes Bandwidth = 1
 Bandwidth in bytes per second.
message SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr

ASLA Attributes.

TLV 1122 Section 2 of [RFC9294]


bytes Sabm = 1
 Standard Application Identifier Bit Mask (SABM). More...
bytes Udabm = 2
 User-Defined Application Identifier Bit Mask (UDABM). More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric TeDefMetric = 4
 The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg Srlg = 5
 The Shared Link Risk Groups (SRLGs) of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay UniLinkDelay = 6
 The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay MinMaxLinkDelay = 7
 The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar UniDelayVariation = 8
 The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss UniLinkLoss = 9
 The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth UniResBandwidth = 10
 The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth UniAvailBandwidth = 11
 The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth UniUtilBandwidth = 12
 The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup ExtAdminGroup = 13
 The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr UnknownAttr = 14
 Unknown ASLA Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS. More...

Member Data Documentation

SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::ExtAdminGroup = 13

The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator.

Extended Administrative Group. TLV 1173 Section 2 of [RFC9104]

SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::MinMaxLinkDelay = 7

The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1115 Section 2.2 of [RFC8571]

bytes SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::Sabm = 1

Standard Application Identifier Bit Mask (SABM).

Each bit represents a single standard application

SLBgplsTopoLinkSrlg SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::Srlg = 5

The Shared Link Risk Groups (SRLGs) of a link.

Shared Risk Link Group. TLV 1096 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::TeDefMetric = 4

The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link.

TE Default Metric. TLV 1092 Section of [RFC9552]

bytes SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::Udabm = 2

User-Defined Application Identifier Bit Mask (UDABM).

Each bit represents a single user-defined application

SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniAvailBandwidth = 11

The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Available Bandwidth. TLV 1119 Section 2.6 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniDelayVariation = 8

The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Delay Variation. TLV 1116 Section 2.3 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniLinkDelay = 6

The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1114 Section 2.1 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniLinkLoss = 9

The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Loss. TLV 1117 Section 2.4 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniResBandwidth = 10

The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth. TLV 1118 Section 2.5 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UniUtilBandwidth = 12

The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth. TLV 1120 Section 2.7 of [RFC8571]

repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr::UnknownAttr = 14

Unknown ASLA Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS.

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpFlags

IGP Flags.

TLV 1152 Section of [RFC9552]


bytes Flags = 1
 Bit-0: D-Flag: IS-IS Up/Down Bit. More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpFlags::Flags = 1

Bit-0: D-Flag: IS-IS Up/Down Bit.


Bit-1: N-Flag: OSPF "no unicast" Bit. [RFC5340]

Bit-2: L-Flag: OSPF "local address" Bit. [RFC5340]

Bit-3: P-Flag: OSPF "propagate NSSA" Bit. [RFC5340]

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpRouteTag

IGP Route Tag.

TLV 1153 Section of [RFC9552]


uint32 Tag = 1
 IGP route tag.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixIgpExtRouteTag

IGP Extended Route Tag.

TLV 1154 Section of [RFC9552]


uint64 Tag = 1
 IGP extended route tag.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixMetric

Prefix Metric.

TLV 1155 Section of [RFC9552]


uint32 Metric = 1
 Prefix metric.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixOspfFwdAddr

OSPF Forwarding Address.

TLV 1156 Section of [RFC9552]


oneof {
   bytes   Ipv4Addr = 1
 This field carries info about an IPv4 OSPF forwarding address.
   bytes   Ipv6Addr = 2
 This field carries info about an IPv6 OSPF forwarding address.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixOpaqueAttr

Opaque Prefix Attribute.

TLV 1157 Section of [RFC9552]


bytes OpaqueAttr = 1
 Opaque attribute.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixSid

Prefix SID.

TLV 1158 Section 2.3.1 of [RFC9085]


bytes Flags = 1
 Flags as defined in Section 2.1.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, Section 5 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and Section 6 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv3. More...
uint32 Algorithm = 2
uint32 LabelIndex = 3
 Label or index.
SLBgplsTopoPrefixSidFormat PrefixSidFormat = 4
 Specifies whether the prefix SID is a label or index.

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoPrefixSid::Flags = 1

Flags as defined in Section 2.1.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, Section 5 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and Section 6 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv3.

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange

Prefix Range.

TLV 1159 Section 2.3.5 of [RFC9085]


bytes Flags = 1
 Flags associated with the range taken from IS-IS SID/Label Binding TLV flags as defined in Section 2.4.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, OSPFv2 OSPF Extended Prefix Range TLV flags as defined in Section 4 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV flags as defined in Section 5 of [RFC8666] for OSPFv3. More...
uint32 RangeSize = 2
 Number of prefixes covered by the advertisement.
uint32 Algorithm = 3
uint32 Index = 4
 Starting index of the range.
bytes SidFlags = 5
 Flags associated with the SID as defined in Section 2.1.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, Section 5 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and Section 6 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv3. More...

Member Data Documentation

bytes SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange::Flags = 1

Flags associated with the range taken from IS-IS SID/Label Binding TLV flags as defined in Section 2.4.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, OSPFv2 OSPF Extended Prefix Range TLV flags as defined in Section 4 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV flags as defined in Section 5 of [RFC8666] for OSPFv3.

bytes SLBgplsTopoPrefixRange::SidFlags = 5

Flags associated with the SID as defined in Section 2.1.1 of [RFC8667] for ISIS, Section 5 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv2 and Section 6 of [RFC8665] for OSPFv3.

message SLBgplsTopoPrefixAttrFlags

Prefix Attribute Flags.

TLV 1170 Section 2.3.2 of [RFC9085]


bytes Flags = 1
 Prefix attribute flags as defined in Section 2.1 of [RFC7684] for OSPFv2, Appendix A.4.1.1 of [RFC5340] for OSPFv3, and Section 2.1 of [RFC7794] for IS-IS.
message SLBgplsTopoPrefixSrcRouterId

Source Route Identifier.

TLV 1171 Section 2.3.3 of [RFC9085]


oneof {
   bytes   Ipv4Addr = 1
 This field carries info about an IPv4 source router ID.
   bytes   Ipv6Addr = 2
 This field carries info about an IPv6 source router ID.
message SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr

L2 Bundle Member Attribute.

TLV 1172 Section 2.2.3 of [RFC9085]


uint32 MemberDesc = 1
 Link local identifier.
SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth MaxBandwidth = 3
 The maximum bandwidth that can be used on a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth MaxResvBandwidth = 4
 The maximum bandwidth that can be reserved on a link. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth UnresvBandwidth = 5
 The bandwidth reservable on a link on a per priority basis. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric TeDefMetric = 6
 The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link. More...
SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType ProtectionType = 7
 The protection capabilities of a link. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoAdjSid AdjSid = 8
 The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid LanAdjSid = 9
 The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency to any node in a LAN other than the pseudonode LAN Adjacency SID. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay UniLinkDelay = 10
 The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay MinMaxLinkDelay = 11
 The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar UniDelayVariation = 12
 The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss UniLinkLoss = 13
 The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth UniResBandwidth = 14
 The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth UniAvailBandwidth = 15
 The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth UniUtilBandwidth = 16
 The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr Asla = 17
 The container for certain existing and future link attributes that require application-specific definition. More...
SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup ExtAdminGroup = 18
 The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator. More...
repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr UnknownAttr = 19
 Unknown L2 Bundle Member Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS. More...

Member Data Documentation

repeated SLBgplsTopoAdjSid SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::AdjSid = 8

The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency.

Adjacency SID. TLV 1099 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]

repeated SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::Asla = 17

The container for certain existing and future link attributes that require application-specific definition.

ASLA Attributes. TLV 1122 Section 2 of [RFC9294]

SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::ExtAdminGroup = 18

The bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator.

Extended Administrative Group. TLV 1173 Section 2 of [RFC9104]

repeated SLBgplsTopoLanAdjSid SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::LanAdjSid = 9

The Adjacency Segment Identifiers (SIDs) of an adjacency to any node in a LAN other than the pseudonode LAN Adjacency SID.

TLV 1100 Section 2.2.1 of [RFC9085]

SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::MaxBandwidth = 3

The maximum bandwidth that can be used on a link.

Maximum Link Bandwidth. TLV 1089 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkMaxResvBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::MaxResvBandwidth = 4

The maximum bandwidth that can be reserved on a link.

Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth. TLV 1090 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoMinMaxUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::MinMaxLinkDelay = 11

The minimum and maximum link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1115 Section 2.2 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoLinkProtectionType SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::ProtectionType = 7

The protection capabilities of a link.

Link Protection Type. TLV 1093 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoLinkTeDefaultMetric SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::TeDefMetric = 6

The Traffic Engineering (TE) metric of a link.

TE Default Metric. TLV 1092 Section of [RFC9552]

SLBgplsTopoUniAvailBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniAvailBandwidth = 15

The available bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Available Bandwidth. TLV 1119 Section 2.6 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniDelayVar SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniDelayVariation = 12

The average link delay variation between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Delay Variation. TLV 1116 Section 2.3 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkDelay SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniLinkDelay = 10

The average link delay between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Delay. TLV 1114 Section 2.1 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniLinkLoss SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniLinkLoss = 13

The loss (as a packet percentage) between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Link Loss. TLV 1117 Section 2.4 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniResBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniResBandwidth = 14

The residual bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth. TLV 1118 Section 2.5 of [RFC8571]

SLBgplsTopoUniUtilBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UniUtilBandwidth = 16

The utilized bandwidth between two directly connected IGP link-state neighbors.

Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth. TLV 1120 Section 2.7 of [RFC8571]

repeated SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UnknownAttr = 19

Unknown L2 Bundle Member Attributes Unknown/unsupported by IOS-XR/BGPLS.

repeated SLBgplsTopoLinkUnresvBandwidth SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr::UnresvBandwidth = 5

The bandwidth reservable on a link on a per priority basis.

Unreserved Link Bandwidth. TLV 1091 Section 5.3.2 of [RFC9552]

message SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup

Extended Administrative Group.

TLV 1173 Section 2 of [RFC9104]


repeated uint32 Group = 1
 Bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator. More...

Member Data Documentation

repeated uint32 SLBgplsTopoExtAdminGroup::Group = 1

Bit mask of administrative groups assigned by the network administrator.

Each set bit corresponds to one administrative group assigned to the interface. By convention, the least significant bit is referred to as group 0, and the most significant bit is referred to as group 31. Each EAG bitmask is represented in multiple of 4 bytes.

message SLBgplsTopoUnknownAttr

Unknown Attribute.

Added to hold any unknown/unsupported TLV by IOS-XR/BGPLS.


uint32 TlvType = 1
uint32 TlvLen = 2
bytes RawTlv = 3

Enumeration Type Documentation

BGP-LS Topology Prefix SID Formats.


Reserved SID Type.


Prefix SID Type Label.


Prefix SID Type Index.

BGP-LS Topology SID Formats.


Reserved SID Type.


SID Type Label.


SID Type Index.


SID Type V6 Addr.