Here is a list of all documented message members with links to the message documentation for each member:
- e -
- EnableStatsCounter
: SLRuleAction
- EncapType
: SLL2ImetRoute
, SLRoutePath
- End
: SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg
- EndMarker
: SLAFNotif
- Entries
: SLAFVrfRegGetMsgRsp
, SLBfdv4GetMsgRsp
, SLBfdv6GetMsgRsp
, SLBgplsTopoNotif
, SLInterfaceNotifMsg
, SLMplsIlmGetMsgRsp
, SLMplsLabelBlockGetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev4GetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev4NotifRoute
, SLRoutev6GetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev6NotifRoute
, SLVRFGetStatsMsgRsp
, SLVrfRegGetMsgRsp
- EntriesCount
: SLBfdv4GetMsg
, SLBfdv6GetMsg
, SLMplsIlmGetMsg
, SLMplsLabelBlockGetMsg
, SLRoutev4GetMsg
, SLRoutev6GetMsg
, SLVrfRegGetMsg
- Eof
: SLBfdv4GetMsgRsp
, SLBfdv6GetMsgRsp
, SLMplsIlmGetMsgRsp
, SLMplsLabelBlockGetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev4GetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev6GetMsgRsp
, SLVRFGetStatsMsgRsp
, SLVrfRegGetMsgRsp
- Error
: SLInterfaceNotif
- ErrorCode
: SLAFDepFibStatus
, SLAFGetMsgRspEntry
- ErrorString
- ErrStatus
: SLAFGetMsgRsp
, SLAFVrfRegGetMsgRsp
, SLAFVrfRegMsgRes
, SLBfdGetMsgRsp
, SLBfdGetStatsMsgRsp
, SLBfdRegMsgRsp
, SLBfdv4GetMsgRsp
, SLBfdv4Notif
, SLBfdv4Res
, SLBfdv6GetMsgRsp
, SLBfdv6Notif
, SLBfdv6Res
, SLBgplsTopoNotifMsg
, SLGlobalNotif
, SLGlobalsGetMsgRsp
, SLInterfaceNotifMsgRes
, SLL2BdRegRes
, SLL2GlobalsGetMsgRsp
, SLL2Notif
, SLL2RouteRes
, SLMplsGetMsgRsp
, SLMplsGetStatsMsgRsp
, SLMplsIlmGetMsgRsp
, SLMplsIlmRes
, SLMplsLabelBlockGetMsgRsp
, SLMplsLabelBlockMsgRes
, SLMplsRegMsgRsp
, SLPolicyGlobalGetMsgRsp
, SLRouteGlobalsGetMsgRsp
, SLRouteGlobalStatsGetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev4GetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev4Notif
, SLRoutev4Res
, SLRoutev6GetMsgRsp
, SLRoutev6Notif
, SLRoutev6Res
, SLVRFGetStatsMsgRsp
, SLVrfRegGetMsgRsp
, SLVrfRegMsgRes
- Esi
: SLL2RouteEsi
- EthTagId
: SLL2ImetRouteKey
- EventType
: SLBfdv4Notif
, SLBfdv6Notif
, SLGlobalNotif
, SLL2Notif
, SLRoutev4Notif
, SLRoutev6Notif
- ExactMatch
: SLAFNextHopRegKey::SLNextHopKey
- ExcAnyAff
: SLBgplsTopoFad
- ExcAnyRevAff
: SLBgplsTopoFad
- ExcMaxDelay
: SLBgplsTopoFad
- ExcMinBw
: SLBgplsTopoFad
- ExcSrlg
: SLBgplsTopoFad
- Exp
: SLMplsCos
- ExtAdminGroup
: SLBgplsTopoAslaAttr
, SLBgplsTopoL2BundleMemberAttr
, SLBgplsTopoLinkAttr
- SLErrno
: SLErrorStatus