Monitoring Digital Coherent Optics in IOS-XR
Cisco DCO Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Cisco DCO Monitoring and Troubleshooting
A Cisco routed access design for rural broadband
Routed Optical Networking 2.1
The control system for Routed Optical Networks
High level design guidance for service assurance
An overview of protocols, methods and tools for service assurance
An introduction to the current landscape of assurance in service provider networks
Routed Optical Networking 2.0
Openconfig ZR/ZR+ Provisioning
Converged SDN Transport Implementation Guide - 5.0
Peering Fabric Design - 5.0
Cisco Converged SDN Transport (CST) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture evolving network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services.
Routed Optical Networking 1.0
Cisco Converged SDN Transport (CST) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture evolving network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services.
Peering Fabric Design - 3.5
RPKI or Resource Public Key Infrastructure is rapidly being deployed today to provide BGP prefix security across the Internet. In this blog we will show how to host a popular RPKI validator and RTR cache
Cisco Converged SDN Transport (CST) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture evolving network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services. This guide is an excerpt from the larger CST high-level design and implementation guides specific to CIN.
Converged SDN Transport Implementation Guide - 3.5
Peering Fabric Design - 3.0
Converged SDN Transport Implementation Guide - 3.0
Cisco Converged SDN Transport (CST) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture evolving network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services. 3.0 Update
IX fabrics began as very simple L2 switching designs but have evolved to worldwide interconnection networks supporting Terabits of traffic. SR and EVPN transform simple IX networks into flexible and resilient fabrics support any service type at any location in the fabric.
Discusses pros and cons of network fabric architectures.
Explore the high-level design of Cisco’s Peering Fabric v1.5
Cisco Metro Fabric (CMF) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture which evolves traditional Metro network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services. 1.5 Update
Core Fabric Design
In Part 2 of this blog series on transforming regional and metro networks for efficient OTT video delivery, we’ll explore how an Express Peering Fabric can optimize networks for unicast video delivery.
On This Page
Explore the high-level design of Cisco’s Peering Fabric v1.0
Cisco Metro Fabric (CMF) design introduces an SDN-ready architecture which evolves traditional Metro network design towards an SDN enabled, programmable network capable of delivering all services.
In Part 1 of this blog series on transforming regional and metro networks for efficient OTT video delivery, we’ll explore the background on how Internet video has evolved and its impact on the Internet.
In Part 1 of this blog series on transforming regional and metro networks for efficient OTT video delivery, we’ll explore the background on how Internet video has evolved and its impact on the Internet.
Peering Telemetry - Best Practices and Use Cases
Design and deployment practices for today’s Internet peering networks
Describes current challenges and future directions for network availability.